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  • Simple installation - takes about three minutes!
  • You can choose to try YoBulk through a docker image or a local build.

Docker Setup Guide

1. Check out system requirements from Docker documentation.

Follow the steps on the system requirements, and necessarily, download and install the Linux kernel update package.

2. Install Docker Desktop on Windows.

Install Docker Desktop from here.

Make sure to select the options:

  1. Enable Hyper-V Windows Features
  2. Install required Windows components for WSL 2\ when prompted. After installation, it will require to reboot your computer.

3. You're done!

YoBulk Installation

  • Install Docker on your workstation (see instructions). Make sure you're on the latest version of docker-compose.
  • After Docker is installed, you can immediately get started locally by running:

Option:1 Through Docker Compose

We provide docker-compose.yml file under yobulkdev.

git clone
cd yobulkdev
docker-compose up -d
  • To make use of YoBulk Open AI feature,please make the below change.


    Info : Please open docker-compose.yml file and update the OPENAI_SECRET_KEY variable with the key generated from OpenAI API site.

    The YoBulk dashboard is ready to go at http://localhost:5050/.

Option:2 Through Docker Run

If you are a Docker user, you may try this way!

  • Prerequisites:You should have installed mongo on your local machine and it's running.

    docker run --rm -it -p 5050:5050/tcp  yobulk/yobulk
  • To make use of YoBulk Open AI feature,please make the below change.


    Info : Please pass the Open AI key generated from OpenAI API site in --env to explore YoBulk AI features. Example:

    docker run --rm -it -p 5050:5050/tcp  --env="OPENAI_SECRET_KEY=****" yobulk/yobulk

    YoBulk dashboard is ready to go at http://localhost:5050/. You can also run YoBulk backend from Docker container and Mongo on your local system.

    The docker image comes with a combined YoBulk backend image and MongoImage.

Option:3 Building locally.

If you are a devevloper and want to build locally,you should have installed MongoDB and it should be running locally.

- Prerequisites:<b>You should have installed mongo on your local machine and it's running.</b>

YoBulk is a fullstack next.js application which uses MongoDB as it's primary Database.

git clone
cd yobulkdev
yarn install
yarn run dev
  • To make use of YoBulk Open AI feature,please make the below change.


    Info : Please update OPENAI_SECRET_KEY variable in .env file with the Open AI key generated from OpenAI API site

    The dashboard is ready to experiment at http://localhost:5050/.